When you purchase a waterslide from Dolphin Waterslides, you’ll want something that is not only fun, but also blends seamlessly in with your current landscaping. But how do you accomplish that? Thankfully,

Round concrete piers wrapped in flagstone by Currypools.com
there are many waterslide support options that can be customized to your particular landscaping.
Concrete piers
Concrete piers are an excellent option if you’re installing your waterslide on an existing hillside. Not only are they inexpensive, but they can also be invisible. Since they’re installed on the underside of the slide, it will be nearly impossible to see them. As such, it will look like the slide is simply following the natural gradation of the hill. You also add rocks and plants around the slide to further hide the piers.
Steel columns

A gorgeous gray slide from Infinitypooldesign.com
If you plan to start your slide from a platform or deck, then steel columns are one of two options to consider (see wooden beams below). Which one you choose will depend on the materials you have used around your home or jobsite. Sleek and attractive, steel columns look best with modern or minimalist architecture.
Wooden beams
Wooden beams are the second option for slides starting from platforms or decks. We recommend wooden beams for homeowners looking for a more natural appearance. For instance, many homes are taking on the warm farmhouse trend. For these, having large, wooden beams as opposed to round steel columns would lend to the natural and rustic look of the home.
Dolphin Waterslides can help you find the right waterslide support option that will blend perfectly with your current landscaping and architecture. Contact us today to learn more!

Square paver support by Carolinapoolbuilders.com